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New Glasgow in financial trouble & Sydney's push for the 1914 Championship

Upsetting news came out of New Glasgow in late February that the Black Foxes were in serious financial trouble and it was a possibility that the team would not be able to finish the 1914 season. In response, the New Glasgow management reached out to President Larder of Sydney and requested some financial support. President Larder promised that Sydney would pledge 150 dollars per game in Sydney. The New Glasgow players had not been paid by the team management and were ready to walk but were brought back to the fold after a win against the Halifax Crescents and the increasing possibility of winning the Crosby Cup. The players agreed to stay and take their salary from whatever was brought in at the gate. N. W. Mason, a New Glasgow business man and rink owner, took over operation of the team and began to organize local benefits in New Glasgow. One event took place at the theatre and a second one at the arena. Mason was hoping to get enough money together to fund the team for the rest of the season.
A local sports reporter created some jovial rhymes about the state of the MPHA to celebrate 1914's Valentine's day. The rhyme referred to the dreadful season that the Halifax Socials were having:
(Gordon Isnor to Pres Larder)
Take my shattered hockey team
Take my wrecked and busted dream.
I don't want em any more,
May they for someone else score
Please accept my hockey nine
As a little Valentine
Tuesday, February 17, 1914 featured two games that were important to the standing in the MPHA. The Millionaires were at home against the Crescents and the Black Foxes were playing the Halifax Socials. With a one game league lead, this was a very crucial game for Sydney. The Millionaires were successful in defeating the Crescents by a lopsided score of five to nothing. Even better news came that night when it was announced that the Socials had beaten the Black Foxes by a score of seven to nothing. This was shocking news and it meant that Sydney was in the drivers seat with only five games to play. The lowly Socials defeating the New Glasgow team by a lopsided score was big news through out the Maritimes. A Moncton Transcript reporter summed up the shock by writing the following humorous blurb about the game:
The operator on the press wire was working steadily away, gathering from the flickering flash and dot the news stories of the morning dailies. Suddenly a shriek of excitement rose on the still night air and he collapsed limply over his machine. With visions of bloody wrecks or terrible disasters at sea, the chief operator dragged him out of the way and sat at the ticker. This is what he heard: "Socials beat the Black Foxes, 7-0"