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End of Professional Hockey

The Millionaires and the Miners were able to play one more game of professional hockey. On February 7th, 1915, the final knock-out blow to professional hockey in the Maritime Provinces was dealt as small attendance brought the two team league to its knees. It was announced that both teams would be disbanding without completing the season series. The Millionaires released their players keeping them on a reserve list for the following season in a vain hope that the MPHA would return. Many of the Millionaire's imports such as Trenouthe, Maclean and Beliveau headed home and the local players played out the season as semi-pro players in Cape Breton. The Miners and the Millionaires did compete for the Douglas Trophy in a two game series made up of mostly local men, some professional and some amateur. The Miners won both games and claiming the Douglas Trophy
Professional Hockey's in an awful way
and may not weather out the storm
The Doctors don't know what to say
Oxygen or chloroform
Otto B. Kilde
This brought an end to full fledge professional hockey in the Maritimes and meant that the last Maritime team to compete for the Stanley Cup was the 1913 Sydney Millionaires.