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Game 1 - 1913 Stanley Cup Challenge

As the two teams entered the ice at the Quebec rink, both teams were warmly applauded by the large group of spectators out to watch this first of two Stanley Cup challenge matches. The Millionaires were forced to borrow sweaters for the game when it was realized that both teams sported similar colours. To avoid confusion, Sydney agreed to wear the uniforms of the Quebec Senior Hockey Association. The ice was described as being hard and fast as a result of a recent cold snap in the city. Quickly the Bulldogs got on the score sheet when Joe Malone was able to skate from center and slide one past Toby Macdonald. The Millionaires quickly bounced back from this first goal and responded when Gordon Trenouthe was able to shoot a puck past Paddy Moran. Sydney then went on to surprise the crowd when Ken Randall was able to take advantage of a tired looking unmotivated Quebec team and score a second goal on Moran putting Sydney in the lead 2 to 1. The Sydney fans at the game were surprised and elated with one being overheard stating "what will they say in Sydney when they hear this". Unfortunately for the Millionaires, this second goal appeared to wake up the Bulldogs who went on to score three unanswered goals to end the first period up 4 to 2. Early in the second period as a result of an on ice collision, Toby Macdonald, Sydney's star goaltender was injured and had to leave the ice. Sydney did not have a back up so Cap Macdonald took Toby's spot and Cap was replaced by Jimmy Wilkie on defense. According to reports, Cap did his best as a goalie but the talented Quebec scorers were too much and they were able to put seven goals past him in the second period.
The third period was a much closer period, Toby Macdonald was able to return to the net and Quebec replaced many of their regular players with their talented group of spares. The third period saw three goals for the Quebec team and one goal by Sydney's Joe Tetrault near the end of the game. The game ended with a score of 14 to 3. Upon hearing the score from a Western Union wire with only a few minutes left, one of the Sydney fans in good humor was quoted as saying "fourteen to three, with two minutes to play, well, Sydney has a chance to win yet". Amazingly Joe Malone scored 9 goals in the hockey game and still holds the record for the most goals ever scored in a single Stanley Cup match. The Quebec press and fans were very complimentary to the Sydney players stating that the score did not reflect the good showing that the Millionaires had given during the game. The press was also amazed at how clean the game was with only a couple of minor penalties which was unlike the reputation that proceeded the Millionaires.
When I observed with sickening grief
"Fourteen-three" on the bulletin board.
I heaved a sigh of great relief
That the Millionaires at least had scored.
-Otto B. Kilde