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Collapse of the New Glasgow Team

On Saturday January 30th, Sydney was set to play their next home game against New Glasgow. The New Glasgow team arrived supporting a new name. They had changed their nickname from the Black Foxes to the Bluenoses. The game itself almost ended before it began. The Sydney and New Glasgow management could not come to terms on a referee for the game and league president Curry proposed four different men and Chester Greggory turned each of them down. During the fifty minute delay, New Glasgow's goalie Frank Morrison became disgusted by the proceeding, changed back into his street clothes and left. Both teams finally settled on Con Corbeau from the Glace Bay Miners and the game began with the Millionaires allowing the Bluenoses to use Glace Bay's goalie Jack Cross in place of Morrison. The game itself was a very violent affair with Chester Greggory getting into two fights, the first with Ken Randall after Greggory had poked Randall in the nose with his stick and the second fight later in the game against Fred Maclean. The fight against Maclean continued off the ice with Maclean beating Greggory to the ground and fans needing to pull him off in order to get both players to their dressing rooms. The game had to continue with 5 men aside. Sydney was able to secure a much needed victory against the New Glasgow team winning ten to seven. The following night, the New Glasgow Bluenoses played the Glace Bay Miners before heading back to New Glasgow.
The day after New Glasgow had returned from their road trip to Cape Breton, the management announced that they were withdrawing their team from the Eastern Professional Hockey League. During the road trip to Cape Breton, the New Glasgow management were called to a meeting of the EPHL executives and were told that the Sydney team would no longer be able to pay the expenses of the New Glasgow franchise when they play in Cape Breton. Since the attendance at both the New Glasgow and Glace Bay arenas did not cover the costs of their teams operation, the Sydney management was put in a position that they would either have to support the Glace Bay franchise or New Glasgow. The Millionaires were not in the financial position to support both clubs so they decided to shift it to Glace Bay in hopes of saving the league. Chester Greggory took this information back the management in New Glasgow and it was decided that they had no choice but to withdraw their team. The two Cape Breton teams reorganized the schedule and intended to play the remaining games of the season. The Millionaires expected that their team would be strengthened by some of the New Glasgow professionals that were now out of work.