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Return of Richardson & New Glasgow Name Change

In response to the Quebec Bulldog's defiance of the NHA's decision to suspend Harvey Richardson and to send him back to Sydney, a rumor arose that the Millionaires were going to offer Quebec star Joe Hall fifteen hundred dollars to sign a contract with Sydney. This was in obvious violation of the NHA/MPHA agreement but since the Bulldogs were not releasing Richardson, the executive felt that they were justified. Shortly after this rumor was published in the press, it was announced that the Bulldogs had finally let Richardson go and he was on his way back to Sydney to join the Millionaires.
The Millionaires had a two and two record after their first four games but they began to improve dramatically with Savard in nets and Richardson back in the line up. One major feature of the 1914 Millionaires was their improved reputation to play clean hockey. President Larder was the main force behind the decision to insist on clean hockey, believing that if Sydney plays a clean game and does not retaliate, it would go a long way to cleaning up the MPHA. According to reports, Larder stated that he will "not keep a player on his team who cannot control his temper, there was too much loose work last winter and if they are to win the league it must be through superior hockey and clean playing".
A few interesting stories arose in mid January 1914. The first was a complaint put forth by the Millionaires against the Halifax Socials for the use of a megaphone during the game. The megaphone was banned by the NHA for the purpose of coaching but it wasn't listed in the MPHA bylaws. Acting President Lithgow eventually dismissed this complaint. The second interesting story came from New Glasgow where it was announced that the Cubs had changed their team's name to the Black Foxes. According to a New Glasgow player, a prominent Prince Edward Island farmer offered the Cubs management new uniforms and a sum of money if they agreed to change the name of the team for the purpose of advertising the farm. At the beginning of the 20th century, fox farming for the purpose of selling pelts was a big business on the island. The New Glasgow team received new uniforms that were "blue and yellow with a black fox on the white background of the crest". The third interesting story came from Sudbury Ontario. It was reported that two former Sydney Millionaires were implicated in a hockey incident in that city. It seemed that Joe Tetrault and Percy Tighe started playing amateur hockey in Sudbury and during a game the opposing team was tipped off to the fact that both Tetrault and Tighe had played professional hockey. The captain of the opposing team insisted that Tetrault and Tighe leave the ice. Their team refused the request which in turn started a "free fight" on the ice that was serious enough to cancel the remainder of the game.