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New Trophy - 1915 Season

With a new 1915 Profession league in place J. J. Curry sent a request to Halifax asking that the Crosby Cup be made available for the championship of this newly created league. Once word got around the Maritimes that this request was made, there were some angry responses from interested parties who believed that the MPHA was in limbo and would be back after the war. One angry response from a Moncton paper stated, "It is time Moncton and Halifax got a move on and protested against this sort of thing. After the war is over, the MPHA will rise Phoenix-like from its ashes,. and then we will need that Crosby Cup. It is an historic mug, dear to our ears, doncher know and should not be allowed to be kicked around the bush leagues. the Eastern League, so-called is only a temporary arrangement, and will collapse like a house of cards the minute the MPHA sticks its head up again." The Cup trustees must have listened to these pleas since the Crosby Cup was never granted to the new league even though the Millionaires were the present holders. In its place John C. Douglas, former mayor of Glace Bay and future Canadian member of parliament donated a trophy named the Douglas Trophy.
On January 12, the Glace Bay Miners and the Sydney Millionaires played an exhibition game of local talent. The Millionaires were trying out players to replace spots that were previously taken by more expensive Upper Canadian players. The local boys trying out for the Millionaires included Alex Macdonald, Clarence Demont, Laurie Rigby and Toby Macdonald, the Millionaires former goalie. The game took place at the Alexandra Rink in Glace Bay and was won by the home team by a score of 3 to 1.