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End of the 1913 Season

Upon completion of the Stanley cup games, the Sydney team immediately dissolved. Players hailing from Quebec, Ontario and Western Canada heading on to their homes. The Sydney executive along with the local players headed back to Sydney on the midnight express train bound for Cape Breton. Upon arriving back in Sydney on Thursday, March 12th, the Millionaires were met by local reporters and fans to inquire about their trip and their treatment in the "Ancient Capitol". Team President Curry responded by stating that "we had a fine trip and were treated in the best way possible. There is no doubt that we were beaten by a better team. The Quebec team this year is the best ever in Canada and we are quite satisfied with the showing we had against them." Others went on to speculate that Sydney was outplayed by the Quebecers because of the difference in rules of the two organizations. Some believed that it would be prudent of the MPHA to adopt the rules of the NHA for the following season so the Maritime teams would have a better chance of competing in future challenges. The Montreal Star echoed this idea by stating that Joe Tetrault was Sydney's best player in the two games and that was attributed to his familiarity with the "Quebec style of play".
The team management, in an announcement, paid a fond farewell to their team's captain Alfred "Cap" Macdonald who had informed the Millionaires that he would not be returning for the following season. According to his memoirs Cap was 36 years old and his wife was pregnant with their first child. They left Sydney planning to relocate to California but ended up staying in Ontario at the bequest of his father-in-law who gave them land in Ottawa. According to Cap, the Stanley Cup game against the Quebec Bulldogs was his last hockey game. There was also a rumor in the Sydney paper that Toby MacDonald had accepted a coaching job in Saint John New Brunswick and would not be back for the following season.
Not unlike the season, the off season began with controversy. According to reports out of Moncton, the management of the Victorias had ordered the present custodian of the Crosby Cup to "Hold on to the cup" and not to hand it over to Sydney as requested by the league president Lithgow. Sydney papers obviously had a field day with Moncton's refusal to hand it over and stated that "the longer Moncton retains the cup now, the worse for their already slightly tarnished sporting reputation." Over the next few weeks the reporters in the two cities went back and forth over who was the rightful holder of the Crosby Cup. The Moncton management eventually relented and turned over the cup to President Lithgow who then sent it on the management of the Millionaires. President J.J. Curry took possession of the Cup on April 3rd, over a month after Sydney had won the trophy.