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1913 Off-Season -Part 3: Amherst shot at a franchise, Moncton's Players Sold, Player Recruitment

The Amherst News, in what appeared to be a shot at the proposed Glace Bay franchise in order to strengthen their own chances, published a story stating that Sydney was victorious during the previous year because of the arduous trip to Sydney to play against the Millionaires. The article went on to state that the Halifax and Moncton teams had to travel to New Glasgow, play the Cubs and then head on to Sydney, exhausted, to play the Millionaires the following night. According to this paper they had quotes from two team managers stating that the only reason Sydney was allowed to continue in the league was because they held the Crosby Cup. The hopeful fans in Amherst saw the loss of the Moncton team as a big strike against their chances to get a franchise since Moncton would probably have liked to have another team close by for travel purposes.
On October 15th, Moncton's team manager William McMullen, in a statement to the Halifax Herald, disputed the reports that the Moncton team had been sold to Toronto and Halifax. McMullen went on to state that "A month may see big in the rink situation and until that time Moncton will keep its franchise and its team intact". This situation was causing a lot of bad blood in the MPHA with the Sydney executive accusing the Moncton management of purposely trying to aid the weak Halifax Crescents team. A Moncton manager clarified the situation by stating that the deal with Halifax and Toronto is only in the event that the Victorias will not be able to ice a team. If Moncton did get an arena in time their players will still be under contract with the Vics.
The Sydney executive went to work in early October contacting many of their players from the previous season. They received correspondence from Randall, Fraser, Tetrault and Cap. McDonald not yet committing to the team but wishing the team a successful season and hoping that the team could hold the Crosby Cup. An interesting note came from an unlikely source. The team executive received a card from Harry Scott inquiring about positions on the Sydney Club. Anticipating the bad feelings the fans and management may harbor, Harry stated in the card that he "hoped his Sydney friends did not believe all the stuff the papers quoted him as saying last spring about Sydney. The press had exaggerated the facts and he had not said anything about the playing of the Sydney team as they had him credited with." This letter was not looked on favorably by Sydney's management. Not only did Harry Scott reportedly say these things about the Sydney team, he was also considered responsible for breaking Harvey Richardson's leg, even though it was determined to be an accident by the MPHA.
The first meeting of the MPHA was set for Truro on November 1st to appoint the officers for the year and make plans for the upcoming season. There were also rumors that J.C. Lithgow, after a tumultuous previous season would be retiring from presidential duties citing business conflicts. The Sydney Executive also announced a monster fair taking place in Sydney on November 1st till the 4th. This fair was organized to raise funds for the hockey team for the upcoming season.