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1912 MPHA Champions

The 1912 season saw the New Glasgow Cubs and the Moncton Victorias repeatedly change places at the top of the standings with the Moncton Vics eventually being declared the winner and awarded the Crosby Cup. The Starr Trophy was taken out of commission the previous year (since it was won by the Moncton Vics three times in a row it was now owned by that organization). The Crosby Cup was donated by Adam Brown Crosby former mayor of Halifax and President of the Arena Rink Company in Halifax. According to newspaper descriptions the Crosby Cup is described as:
The trophy cup which is of silver stands thirty seven inches in height is of very handsome design with artistic ornamentation. It is surmounted by the figured player playing a puck with the hockey. On the bowl is the inscription The A. B. Crosby Cup, presented by A.B. Crosby, Esq., to the M. P. H. A. for professional hockey, to be won three times before it is the property of any one club. Below the inscription is a pair of crossed hockey sticks with a wreath of laurel about the handles and between the stick blades a skate and a puck. The cup is flanked on either side by a silver pedestal on which is the figure of a hockeyist at play. The whole trophy stands on a heavy ebony base.